
What to LOOK for...

July 30, 2024

Shopping for a new house is an exciting adventure, but it can also feel like an

impossible task. There are so many factors to consider, from location to layout to future

resale value. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or looking to upgrade, knowing

what to look for can make the process much smoother.

Location, Location, Location

One of the most important aspects of any home is its location. You can change almost

anything about a house, but you can’t move it! Consider the neighborhood’s proximity to

work, schools, shopping, and entertainment. Think about the kind of lifestyle you want.

Do you prefer a bustling urban area or a quiet suburban neighborhood? Also, check out

the crime rates and future development plans for the area, as these can impact your

quality of life and property value.

Budget and Affordability

Before you start looking at houses, it’s crucial to determine your budget. Get pre-

approved for a mortgage to understand how much you can afford. This will not only give

you a clear price range but also show sellers that you’re a serious buyer. Remember to

factor in additional costs like property taxes, insurance, and maintenance. It's easy to

get excited about a house that's a bit above your budget, but sticking to your financial

limits will save you stress in the long run.

Home Size and Layout

Consider your current and future space needs. How many bedrooms and bathrooms do

you need? Do you want a large yard or prefer something low-maintenance? Think about

the layout too. An open floor plan might be perfect for entertaining, while a more

traditional layout could offer better privacy and noise control. If you’re planning to grow

your family or often have guests, these factors become even more critical.

Condition of the House

Pay close attention to the condition of the house. Look beyond the fresh paint and new

carpets. Check for signs of structural issues like cracks in the foundation, water

damage, or outdated electrical systems. These can be costly to fix and might indicate

deeper problems. Hiring a professional inspector is always a good idea; they can

uncover issues you might miss during your tour.

Storage and Parking

Storage space is something that’s easy to overlook but incredibly important. Check for

ample closet space, attic or basement storage, and sufficient kitchen cabinets. Don’t

forget about parking. Does the house have a garage, carport, or enough driveway

space? In areas where street parking is limited, having a dedicated parking spot can be

a major convenience.

Natural Light and Ventilation

A house with plenty of natural light can significantly impact your mood and energy

levels. Pay attention to the number and placement of windows. Good ventilation is also

crucial for maintaining a healthy indoor environment. If a house feels dark and stuffy, it

might not be the right fit, no matter how attractive the other features are.

Future Resale Value

Even if you plan to live in your new home for many years, it’s wise to consider its future

resale value. Look at trends in the neighborhood and think about factors that might

make the house more or less attractive to future buyers. Features like a good school

district, proximity to amenities, and potential for upgrades can enhance a home’s resale


Your Gut Feeling

Finally, trust your instincts. Sometimes a house just feels right or wrong. Pay attention to

how you feel when you walk through the door. Can you picture yourself living there?

Does it feel like home? Buying a house is a significant investment, and it’s important to

feel good about your decision.

Final Thoughts

House hunting can be overwhelming, but it’s also a thrilling journey towards finding a

place to call your own. By keeping these factors in mind, you can make a more informed

decision and find a home that truly meets your needs and desires. Happy house


Stylishly yours,

The Chelsee Sowder Interior Design Team

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