December 15, 2023

Oh, the dreaded New Year Resolution. We all make them even if it’s just a mental note, but how
many of us actually follow through? It’s so hard, am I right? Resolutions really could be made for
anything. You could set a goal to just get up when your alarm goes off, or hang up clean clothes
immediately when they come out of the dryer, or even just making sure you get the kids to
school on time at least 4 out of 5 days a week. Grandiose goals don’t have be put out into the
universe. Set yourself some goals in which when you achieve them you will feel accomplished.
What goals in your home would make you feel better about living there? Let’s talk through a
couple points that might make 2024 more enjoyable.
Smart home technology can make your life easier. IoT (Internet of Things) is a hot topic for the
coming year. IoT involves devices and systems that enhance convenience, security and energy
efficiency through voice-activated controls, smart lighting, climate management and more. How
would you incorporate more IoT in your home? Install thermostats like Nest brand that allow you
to set up temperatures to adjust automatically at different times of day or even be controlled
remotely through an app. Just think about coming home after a long day of errand running in the
cold to a warm, toasty home that was waiting on you to arrive. Try out a digital lockset on doors
to eliminate keys. No more misplacing keys! Replace bulbs with led options for less energy

consumption and some of these bulbs can even be controlled through the internet to be turned
on or off with an app or even ‘Siri’. The technology options for homes are almost limitless at this
point and some really can help make life easier.
Do you feel like you’ve gotten in a rut at home? This is the year to go bold! I mean go wild with
furniture, art, decor, accessories in hot, saturated colors and patterns. Do not be tame. Tame is
boring! This is your permission slip to do you in your home. Embrace the eclectic craziness of
your home. Mix hand-me-down furniture with modern pieces. Tie them together with whimsical
fabrics in accent pillows and rugs. Make vintage patterns more modern by selecting them in a
new color way. You’re going to see vintage prints reimagined in almost neon colors this year and
it’s going to bring the fun! Fun at home has to be a resolution, and bringing more fun in your life
will make all the rest of life seem a little more bearable.
But if being wild and crazy at home would just make you more crazy, go for spaces that
enhance well-being. Trying a biophilic design style may be the resolution you strive to achieve.
Biophilic design promotes connection to nature within the built environment. Add more garden
accents and take cues from the landscape around you. Try creating an area with indoor potted
plants (or if you don’t have a green thumb-fake it with life-like artificial plants). Plants enhance
indoor air quality, reduce stress and boost overall well-being. We could all use a dose of that!
Let’s get to making 2024 a bit more fun, easy and simple and all with better design!
Stylishly yours,
The Chelsee Sowder Design Team

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