February 24, 2022
Let’s continue our chat about the elements of interior design. The seven principals of design are balance, rhythm, emphasis, scale and proportion, contrast and detail. Good design is not accidental. These are principles designers use to make a space successful. We will focus this discussion on harmony and unity. Or if you prefer, sing-along!
Harmony is the sense that all elements of your interior design work together; much like the harmonies of a song. The elements may be the same architectural style, design theme or simply convey the same mood. By creating harmony, all the elements of a space will feel like they belong together. The pieces of furniture, decor items and colors will sing.
Unity refers to the repetition of certain elements within your design. As we’ve discussed, this happens in the rhythm of elements. Design may use repeated colors, shapes, textures or patterns to make a cohesive plan. As humans, our minds constantly try to make order out of chaos. Much like knowing when a song is out of tune, if the space around you is in disarray, it will feel unsettled.
A school of psychology called Gestalt psychology emphasizes the theory that the whole of anything is greater than its parts. Harmony and unity create cohesion in a space, taking the parts and making them one. By following these elements, the psychology of a space is easier. The Gestalt psychology says our brains take in a space as a whole but then break it down into its most simple forms. If you walk into a space that is out of balance, the brain can’t process it and creates a feeling of unease.
Using a theme throughout the entire home, rather than each room having a unique feel, is a tool interior designers use to elevate the feeling in a home. To create a harmonious feeling, try focusing on a single element from the design inspiration. This could be as simple as reusing the pattern in the room from a favored throw pillow. But remember… too much of a good thing isn’t a good thing. An interior designer knows just how far to take a design to make it feel natural and intentional. Design using harmony and unity could be construed as ‘matchy-matchy’ or boring. Good design uses pops of variety to create interest and make a space livelier. Harmony and unity in the right combination is how designers reach that sweet spot.
These two foundational elements are key to good design. Our team is very conscious of creating calm, inspirational spaces and it sets us apart from the crowd. Using these time tested concepts helps us create spaces with character and identity.
Take a step back and take in your space as a whole. How does it make you feel? If your space isn’t making you feel like singing, it’s time to contact our team. We can take your home up an octave and make it sing.
Stylishly yours,
The Chelsee Sowder Design Team
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