We’ve sold our house! Now what?

July 16, 2024

Moving to a new home is a big deal, whether you are just heading down the street or

across the country. It can be exciting, stressful, and a little overwhelming all at once. But

don’t worry! With some thoughtful planning and organization, you can make your move

as smooth as possible. Here’s a friendly guide on how to prepare for a move.

Start Early and Make a Plan

First things first, don’t procrastinate! As soon as you know you are moving, start

planning. Begin by creating a moving checklist. This list will be your best friend, keeping

you on track and ensuring you don’t forget any important tasks. Break down the list by

weeks, starting at least eight weeks out from your move date. This way, you won’t feel

overwhelmed by trying to do everything at once.

Declutter and Downsize

Moving is the perfect time to declutter. Go through each room and decide what you

really need and what you can let go of. Have you been holding onto clothes you never

wear? Or maybe there are gadgets in your kitchen that you haven’t touched in years.

Donate, sell, or recycle items you don’t need. Not only will this lighten your load, but it

will also make unpacking easier.

Gather Supplies

You are going to need boxes, lots of boxes. Start collecting them early. You can buy

them, but many stores give them away for free. You’ll also need packing tape, bubble

wrap, and markers. Don’t forget to grab some specialty items like mattress covers and

picture boxes if needed.

Start Packing Non-Essentials

About six weeks before your move, start packing things you don’t use daily. This might

include off-season clothes, books, decor, and rarely-used kitchen items. Label each box

with its contents and the room it belongs to. This simple step will save you so much

hassle when you’re unpacking.

Notify Important Parties

Make a list of all the people and organizations you need to notify about your move. This

includes your employer, the post office, utility companies, banks, and any subscriptions

or memberships. It’s also a good idea to update your address with the DMV and voter


Handle Utilities and Services

Schedule the disconnection of utilities at your current home and connection at your new

place. This includes electricity, gas, water, internet, and any other services. Aim to have

utilities at your new home turned on the day before you arrive, so you’re not moving in

the dark.

Pack an Essentials Box

As you get closer to moving day, pack a box of essentials. This should include items

you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home: toiletries, a change of clothes,

basic kitchen items, important documents, medications, and some snacks. Trust me,

you’ll be thankful to have these items on hand without digging through boxes.

Moving Day Prep

On moving day, get an early start. Have some refreshments and snacks ready for

anyone helping you. Do a final sweep of your old home to make sure you haven’t left

anything behind. Double-check that all windows and doors are locked and that utilities

are turned off.

Take Care of Yourself

Moving is exhausting, so remember to take care of yourself. Stay hydrated, take breaks,

and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Celebrate the small victories along the

way, whether it's successfully packing up your kitchen or finding the perfect spot for your

couch in your new home.

Final Thoughts

Moving is a journey, and while it can be stressful, it’s also a new beginning. By starting

early, staying organized, and keeping a positive attitude, you can make your move less

daunting. Here’s to new adventures and fresh starts!

Stylishly yours,

The Chelsee Sowder Interior Design Team

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